Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Personal Winter Forecast: Leesburg VA, West Plains MO, Beckley WV


Precipitation: Slightly Below Normal
Temperature: Ending Slightly Above Normal or Around Normal
Snowfall: Below Normal

Virginia is not in a good spot for storms in the Northeast, so snowfall and temperatures should end up below normal. Temperatures ought to end up above normal in a late season warm up, aided by what has happened in the fall.


Precipitation: Slightly Above Normal
Temperature: Slightly Above Normal
Snowfall: Above Normal (By at least 3 inches)

Missouri should get the brunt of snow when the pattern change comes and cold air is more abundant. However, warm shots should disrupt the cold enough to produce a somewhat slightly above normal temperatures. Snowfall and precipitation should be abundant as storms track through.


Precipitation: Slightly Below Normal
Temperature: Ending Slightly Above Normal or Around Normal
Snowfall: Below Normal

West Virginia is in a bad spot this winter, with below normal precipitation and snowfall while they are in a bad spot for storms. Temperatures have been warmed by this fall and may continue to do so through the winter.


Joshua Steiner said...

When will Fort Wayne's winter forecast be released?

Andrew said...

9:00 AM CST Sharp tomorrow.