Monday, July 16, 2012

Heat Wave to Overtake Country Again

The latest arrival of another heat wave appears to be attempting to settle in yet again over the course of the next several days.

The Madden Julian Oscillation appears to be entering a stage where it is so weak that the MJO has little to no effect on the weather pattern here, which would allow the heat wave to stay past its welcome. A big component of this latest MJO development, however, concerns what phase it will end up in after emerging from this very weak stage.

The North Atlantic Oscillation looks to be helping with cool down efforts, staying negative for at least the next week before possibly turning positive. This negative NAO should, however, help the Northeast out in terms of beating the heat.

More on this developing story as information becomes available.


Geomagnetic Storm Ends

The geomagnetic storm that produced dazzling auroras last night is now dying down, as seen in the below picture.
While the storm has ended, the Aurora Borealis is extended fairly far south on the other side of the world. This means that there is a possibility that the northern lights could remain unusually far south tonight, but that remains to be seen.


Geomagnetic Storm Weakening; Aurora Sightings Reported in Kentucky

The planetary K index indicates that the geomagnetic storm is weakening after causing a night of spectacular aurora sightings.

The Space Weather Prediction Center seems to be agreeing in the geomagnetic storm dying off as the day goes on, and this diminishing activity is shown in current auroral activity.

However, last night, there was a report of aurora sightings in Kentucky, as well as pictures from Kansas and Colorado. This is usually something we would see with a stronger geomagnetic storm, so to see the Aurora Borealis stretch that far south with a K index only at 6 is pretty interesting.
