It looks rather possible that the US will experience a winter storm around the December 4-8 time period.
As the image above shows, there will be a rather deep area of negative height anomalies over East Asia for November 28th, as exhibited by the dark blues in the top left of the left-hand panel. There is a knwon correlation that indicates storm systems or ridges of high pressure over East Asia can be reciprocated in the United States 6-10 days after the event's occurrence in East Asia. As we see a stormy period begin in East Asia over November 28th, I would expect December 4-8 to be the timeframe for a winter storm in the US as a result of this East Asian correlation. There are already a couple of guesses put out by the ECMWF control run. The most recent forecast has a storm system targeting the Midwest and Great Lakes for snow, as shown below (note the yellow arrow denoting the storm track)...
ECMWF Ensemble Control MSLP anomaly projection for December 5th |
The second-newest ECMWF control run actually develops a stronger storm towards the end of this December 4-8 timeframe, unlike the December 5th projection from the ECMWF control...
ECMWF Ensemble Control MSLP anomaly projection for December 8th |
As you can see, there is still a lot of time for this to be figured out, and the level of uncertainty is very high as far as who may be affected. What I am decently certain of, though, is that there is a chance for a winter storm in this timeframe.