Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Medium Range Forecasts Show Snowy Siberia

The latest snow cover projection over the next 192 hours has been raised to an increase 1.35%, as the fall season takes hold over the Arctic Circle and Siberia.

For days and days on end now, the GFS model has been projecting substantial increases in snow cover over a 192 hour period for the Northern Hemisphere. In the last few days, it has been showing increases over 1.00%, and the last several GFS model runs have seen increases above 1.10%. These snowy forecasts for the Arctic could bode well for the historically-accurate October Siberia Snow Cover/ Winter AO correlation, introduced by Judah Cohen.

If we do see snow cover continue to rise substantially beyond September and through October, we may be able to break through into positive snow cover anomaly territory. If we can do that in October, it means we may see colder weather for the United States. If you're a warm weather fan, you want to pray October sees well below average snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. For you winter weather fans, you want to see this snowy trend continue for another two months or so.
