6-10 Day Temperature Outlook |
The Climate Prediction Center is forecasting a high probability- possibly the highest confidence we have seen in the 6-10 day temperature outlooks- of above normal temperatures for the very heavy majority of the country. Every state in the continental US is forecasted to have above normal temperatures over the 6-10 day period, except for Florida, where some slightly below normal temperatures are forecasted.
Before you jump to the conclusion that this is Global Warming at its best, it's not. This is simply a weather pattern gone bad. The same bad weather pattern has delayed winter. And no, this bad pattern is not due to global warming.
6-10 Day Precipitation Outlook |
Most of the country is forecasted to be below normal, precipitation-wise. It appears that the storm track will be displaced slightly more north, leading to above normal precipitation in the far northern reaches of the country. The Northwest may get in on some above average precipitation amounts.
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