Sunday, May 6, 2012

Severe Weather Impacting Illinois

Radar from RadarScope App
Severe thunderstorms are popping up in west central Illinois at this time, with a few severe thunderstorm warnings and even a tornado warning being issued with the cells to the northwest of Peoria, Illinois.
A section of higher dewpoints and temperatures are evident in the area where these storms are, and as long as that fuel is in place, these storms will have no problems staying strong to severe.



ERN WX said...

Hello everyone!!! Great to be on here again. I am proud to visit a site with so many nice people, and a site that is run so well (thank you Andrew!). I checked over today's radar and saw that this afternoon had some pretty srtong storms. Andrew, I saw a decent cell that went into your area, how was it? Thanks. A number of my friends from the Midwest saw some good t-storms today. Yes, I am sure some didn't. Tomorrow is looking like some of us could get to see some good storms (Ohio Valley). And yes, I know some of you are really watching this. Thunderstorms are just amazing!!! I love chasing them too! You folks stay safe and enjoy them!!! Tuesday MAY offer me a little excitement. At least we on the East Ciast will get a good rain. So, I hope you are all doing well, and that you stay safe, and enjoy the weather!!!!!!! Take care everyone!!!!!!!! And Andrew, thank you again for the great work you do!!!!!!!!! I really appreciate it.

ERN WX said...

Mike, I have been checking over a few things, and it looks like your area has a very good shot of getting at least one 8+ inch storm. Well, I know at a minimum, it will be snowier than last year!!! Take care, Mike!!! I am looking for a -NAO, -AO, +PNA, and weak El Nino all through the winter!!!!!!!!!!!!