Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Warming Temperatures Accompany Next Week

This temperature graph from the GFS Ensembles is showing a very defined warm up over the Plains and Midwest, among other regions, going into the beginning of the upcoming work week. Let's take a look into what this is all about.

This is a picture of the average temperature anomalies that the 12z GFS Ensembles are showing for Monday, October 22nd. The ensembles are displaying temperature anomalies as much as 12 to 15 degrees above normal- quite a feat for late fall. This warm up comes as a deep negative PNA signature takes over. When you get that cold over western Canada and the Northwest US, such a stormy and cold pattern in those regions commonly leads to a warm up in the central and eastern regions of the States.

This warm up looks to be fairly progressive, with positive temperature anomalies lasting only a few days before another big release of cold air hits the nation.

It looks like the weekend and beginning of the upcoming work week may allow the heavy jackets to go into a short hibernation!


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